Resident data ends at 2c00, program starts at 2c00, file ends at d794 Starting analysis pass at address 2bff End of analysis pass, low address = 2c00, high address = ca2c [Start of text] S001: "THE ACORN COURT" S002: " An Interactive Text Adventure Copyright (c) 1997 by Todd S. Murchison. " S003: "970405" S004: "6/5" S005: "a" S006: "---" S007: "the" S008: "The " S009: "the " S010: "a " S011: "The " S012: "the " S013: "an " S014: "The " S015: "the " S016: "some " S017: "The " S018: "the " S019: "some " S020: "N = next subject" S021: "P = previous" S022: " Q = resume game" S023: "Q = previous menu" S024: "RETURN = read subject" S025: "Score: " S026: "Moves: " S027: "Time: " S028: "You can't go that way." S029: "your former self" S030: "yourself" S031: "Darkness" S032: "those things" S033: "that" S034: " or " S035: "nothing" S036: " is" S037: " are" S038: "is " S039: "are " S040: " and " S041: "whom " S042: "which " S043: "A good sized courtyard with an air of late British colonialism about it. To the west, in the direction the sun is setting, is a high, grey stone wall with an ornate iron gate set into the rock. The walls of a large stone mansion rise several stories into the chilly evening air to the east, north, and south. In the east wall, two or three stories up, is a large window. On top of the west wall, above and to the right of the gate, is a large squirrels nest made of sticks, twigs, and leaves. A carpeting of old brown leaves from past winters rustle about on the ground in the breeze and drift listlessly across a cracked, stained, pale green tennis court with a rotting net. In one corner of the court yard an impressively large oak tree casts long shadows in the dimming light. The acorns nestled among the tree's massive branches and vividly healthy leaves are new and green. Near the tree is a quaint looking well of crumbling stone." S044: "A rusty tin pail rests in the grass near the ball machine." S045: "green acorn" S046: "green acorns" S047: "tennis ball" S048: "tennis balls" S049: "It's a rather disgusting tennis ball covered in mold and smelling of mildew." S050: "The tennis ball launching machine sitting in one corner of the yard looks like a relic from the 1930s." S051: "A very small wooden key that seems to have been carved by hand, perhaps by a previous prisoner." S052: "A painfully detailed, ornate iron gate crafted to fit the European styling of the court yard. The heavy, stout bars block your exit. Upon closer inspection you find a small key hole in the border of the iron barrier." S053: "The old net looks as if it would fall apart if touched." S054: "It's just an old, green tennis court with discolored, cracked paving." S055: "A typical squirrels nest which looks more like a large wad of random woodland debris than the carefully woven, sturdy structure that it is." S056: "A very small well suffering from age. It is probably meant primarily as decoration, however, for authenticity, it is also functional. This is made obvious by the crank and length of rope mounted above it." S057: "write to" S058: "read" S059: "send message" S060: "increment" S061: "decrement" S062: "apply 'ofclass' for" S063: "recreate" S064: "destroy" S065: "copy" S066: "copy" S067: "" S068: "name" S069: "create" S070: "recreate" S071: "destroy" S072: "remaining" S073: "copy" S074: "call" S075: "print" S076: "print_to_array" S077: "animate" S078: "absent" S079: "clothing" S080: "concealed" S081: "container" S082: "door" S083: "edible" S084: "enterable" S085: "general" S086: "light" S087: "lockable" S088: "locked" S089: "moved" S090: "on" S091: "open" S092: "openable" S093: "proper" S094: "scenery" S095: "scored" S096: "static" S097: "supporter" S098: "switchable" S099: "talkable" S100: "transparent" S101: "visited" S102: "workflag" S103: "worn" S104: "male" S105: "female" S106: "neuter" S107: "pluralname" S108: "before" S109: "after" S110: "life" S111: "n_to" S112: "s_to" S113: "e_to" S114: "w_to" S115: "ne_to" S116: "se_to" S117: "nw_to" S118: "sw_to" S119: "u_to" S120: "d_to" S121: "in_to" S122: "out_to" S123: "door_to" S124: "with_key" S125: "door_dir" S126: "invent" S127: "plural" S128: "add_to_scope" S129: "list_together" S130: "react_before" S131: "react_after" S132: "grammar" S133: "orders" S134: "initial" S135: "when_open" S136: "when_closed" S137: "when_on" S138: "when_off" S139: "description" S140: "describe" S141: "article" S142: "cant_go" S143: "found_in" S144: "time_left" S145: "number" S146: "time_out" S147: "daemon" S148: "each_turn" S149: "capacity" S150: "short_name" S151: "short_name_indef" S152: "parse_name" S153: "articles" S154: "inside_description" S155: "play" S156: "Pronouns" S157: "Quit" S158: "Restart" S159: "Restore" S160: "Save" S161: "Verify" S162: "ScriptOn" S163: "ScriptOff" S164: "NotifyOn" S165: "NotifyOff" S166: "Places" S167: "Objects" S168: "Score" S169: "FullScore" S170: "Inv" S171: "Take" S172: "Drop" S173: "Remove" S174: "PutOn" S175: "Insert" S176: "EmptyT" S177: "Give" S178: "Show" S179: "Enter" S180: "GetOff" S181: "Exit" S182: "VagueGo" S183: "Go" S184: "LMode1" S185: "LMode2" S186: "LMode3" S187: "Look" S188: "Examine" S189: "LookUnder" S190: "Search" S191: "Unlock" S192: "Lock" S193: "SwitchOn" S194: "SwitchOff" S195: "Open" S196: "Close" S197: "Disrobe" S198: "Wear" S199: "Eat" S200: "Yes" S201: "No" S202: "Burn" S203: "Pray" S204: "Wake" S205: "WakeOther" S206: "Kiss" S207: "Think" S208: "Smell" S209: "Listen" S210: "Taste" S211: "Touch" S212: "Dig" S213: "Cut" S214: "Jump" S215: "JumpOver" S216: "Tie" S217: "Drink" S218: "Fill" S219: "Sorry" S220: "Strong" S221: "Mild" S222: "Attack" S223: "Swim" S224: "Swing" S225: "Blow" S226: "Rub" S227: "Set" S228: "SetTo" S229: "WaveHands" S230: "Wave" S231: "Pull" S232: "Push" S233: "Turn" S234: "PushDir" S235: "Squeeze" S236: "ThrowAt" S237: "Tell" S238: "Answer" S239: "Ask" S240: "Buy" S241: "Sing" S242: "Climb" S243: "Wait" S244: "Sleep" S245: "Consult" S246: "parse_input" S247: "AskFor" S248: "GiveR" S249: "ShowR" S250: "begin_action" S251: "end_turn_sequence" S252: "Transfer" S253: "pluggable" S254: "can_plug" S255: "plugCounter" S256: "plugged" S257: "Plug" S258: "aimable" S259: "target" S260: "Aim" S261: "has_water" S262: "acorn_counter" S263: "Empty" S264: "bucket_on" S265: "up_down" S266: "ball_hit" S267: "broken" S268: "acorns_fallen" S269: "got_key" S270: "Version" S271: "InvTall" S272: "InvWide" S273: "GoIn" [End of text] [End of file]